September 30, 2015

Relics of Victory - Fort V.

I had read about this abandoned military facility in various forums online, and I've seen quite a lot of photos from there, so when it was clear for my wife and me that for this years' spring vacation we were giont near that area, we had to go check this place out.
So after our successful tour of the Starch Factory (and a rather unsuccessful attempt at another industrial site in the same city), we decided to take the trip in spite of the weather getting a little worse.
We drove about 40 kilometers from our first stop. I had the coordinates figured out some time before, but we had no clue how to get in.
The base lies right on a pretty busy road, and there was a bunch of cars passing by all the time. So we went past the place a couple of times and tried to figure out a place to park, but there was nothing inconspicuous, so we dcided to settle for the obvious way. Park right in front of the location and pretend to be hikers just walkign alongside the road...It worked nicely. After walking for a while, we found an opening in the fence...only to find another fence beyond that...and another hole in that fence as well...
After crawling under some pipes we had finally made it on the base.
Although it was thoroughly vandalized, we weren't disappointed. The church, the cinema, the bowling alley...what a great spot!
The light could have been better, but what the hell!
While on the base we noticed some workers and trucks moving around and we had to hide from time to time. I think that there is a lumber company exploiting the premises, but I am not sure.
As it got darker, we made our way back out past the workers and safely reached the car.

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