January 1, 2015

Psychiatric Hospital W.

Okay, this was not originally built as a psychiatric hospital, but it was used as one during the last 6 years of itsoperation.
Plus, "psychiatric hospital" sounds much better than just "hospital" ;)

There is not much to find out about thie hospital, but here's what I could find about its history.
The main house of the hospital was opened with 100 beds in 1909 after a construction time of about two years. It was a very modern facitlity at the time, especially concerning the surgical professions.
Next to the main house, a house for disinfection and a house for the seperate accommodation of highly infectious patients had been built as well as a mortuary with a pathology.

In 1939, the city opened a new hospital, but it was used as a military hospital by the air force, so this old hospital remained the most important one for the city concerning the surgical disciplines. Also the city's main emergency room was located here.

Only from 2005 until 2011, this hospital was used as a psychiatric ward, mainly for the treatment of addictions.

Here are the first couple of photos.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3


  1. Ich verfolge deinen Blog nun schon eine ganze Weile und bin immer wieder begeistert von deinen Fotos und den Geschichten!
    Du leistest tolle Arbeit und deine Website ist auch richtig gut geworden (habe sie mir vor einigen Tagen mal angesehen).
    Immer wenn ich die Bilder durch scrolle habe ich ein leichtes schauern und wenn du dann plötzlich mal auf einem Foto zu sehen bist erschrecke ich oft mals :')
    Ich freue mich auf viele weitere interessante Fotos und Projekte im Jahr 2015 und wünsche dir weiterhin viel Freude und Erfolg!
    *Wollte ich mal los werden*

    LG cheshire cat von My little crazy Universe

  2. die farben, die vorhänge - ganz großes kino!

    frohes neues jahr!! ;o)


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