September 11, 2014

Abandoned Hospital - One Year Later

I haven't been on a tour for pretty long because there's been little time and lots of other stuff kept coming up (mostly work-related).
But I had really long wanted to get into a certain building in my hometown and then I saw that there was going to be an exhibition and the association holding the exhibition was looking for photographers to shoot the photos - and one of the locations was to be that exact location.
The application period was long over, so I just wrote an email telling about what I wanted and, as an answer, I was asked if I wanted to be a part of the exhibition. A little reluctantly, I said yes. I didn't really want to be in an exhibition and have all the stuff that goes with it, including having to pay to have the prints made.
But the association is working to make people more aware of a historically relevant part of their city and make a beautiful maritime quarter more attractive again (Link here!), so of course I was in.
I didn't get the building I had originally inquired about - it was a building of the old abandoned university clinic.
I had been there 20 times until almost exactly a year ago.
If it hadn't been for the exhibition, I probably wouldn't have set foot in it again, but in this case...I made an exeption.
In fact, I was in there three days in a row, twice in the afternoon and once during the night.
Here are the first pictures.


  1. ich weiß, man sollte nichts anmalen, aber der blick durch eine besprühte scheibe hat schon was! ;o)

    1. Stimmt. Am liebsten habe ich Orte ohne Graffiti, nur natürlicher Verfall. Wenn ein Ort aber fast ausschließlich aus Graffiti besteht, kann das auch seinen Reiz haben, finde ich.


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