February 15, 2016

St. Nicholas Church Z.

The next day, my wife and I had a couple of locations planned in a city that was so full of lost places that we eventually decided to return the next day to do some more eploring.
There was one thing about this small city, however, that nearly drove us mad. Almost every road in the town center was closed for construction. The damn GPS didn't know that, so we were desperate to find our way around and get to where we wanted to be.
We finally found our first spot, an abandoned church. But there was no place to park. So we drove around again through more construction sites until we had found...nothing. We decided to play it not safe and just parked right around the corner in front of the second location (which was across the street from the church).
Next to the church is a senior citizens home, and senior citizens are always vigilant, so when we saw an old lady sitting on a wall near the hole in the fence that was to be our way in, we hesitated at first.
But after watching her for a couple of minutes, we began to suspect that she was either suffering from dementia or drunk. Maybe both.
Anyway, we walked past her a couple of times and when there was no apparent reaction, we quickly jumped through the hole in the fence, made our way along the trees and through the bushes that surround the old church, and we were in.
The rain started shortly after we entered. It was only short showers, but the fast-moving clouds were a little annoying when it came to taking photos, because the light was constantly changing.
After we were done, we slipped out the same way that we had gotten in. The lady was still sitting there...

To find out more about the history of this abandoned church and to check out all the photos from this great little spot, click the button below.

1 comment:

  1. Das ist der Wahnsinn!! Wo steht die Kirche? Ich weiß grad nicht, ob ich es überlesen habe oder ob es nicht drin steht :D
    Tolle Bilder und klasse Blog! :)
    Liebe Grüße


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