May 9, 2015

North-Frisian Farm House W.

This type of building is the typical farm house for a peninsula in the region of North Frisia in Germany.
The design originally was brought to the area by West Frisian immigrants during the 16th century.
For centuries, farmers have lived in these houses together with the farm animals. The German name for this type of house (not disclosed to conceal the location) results from its function to store hay.
In its original form, this type of house had a middle part where the straw was stored after the thrashing of the crops. Around this center part the living rooms were arranged, as well as the sleeping rooms for the farmhands, and the stables for horses, cows and small animals.
The hay was stored under the roof above the stables while the crop was stored above the living rooms.
Characteristic of this type of farm house is the large thatched roof, oftentimes with a height of up to 15-20 meters.

This particular farm house was built around 1800 and was abandoned about 10 years ago. It is not as large as the original type mentioned before, but still has most of the features of the original design. Living rooms, kitchen, sleeping rooms and stables all are under the same roof, and the space under the roof is used for hay storage.

There is no further  historical information about this location.

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  1. die möbel sind so wunderwunderschön! hab selbst welche in diesem stil!
    tolle bilder! krass, wie noch alles hergerichtet ist...

    1. Die Location ist weit weg von allem, so dass der Vandalismus hier noch nicht zuschlagen konnte. Ich war zwei Mal im Abstand von 3 Monaten da, und es hat sich nichts verändert.

  2. Da ist sogar noch eine Tischdecke mit Blumen drauf!? Total verrückt.
    Wieder einmal richtig tolle Fotos geworden!

    1. Danke Dir!!! Das sind Kunstblumen - aber gaben ein schönes Motiv :)


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