August 24, 2018

Tour Report: The Secret Bunker of the "Stasi" [Revisit]

After discovering the abandoned shooting range that was used by the East German police, it was only logical to pay a visit to the nearby abandoned bunker.
The sun was beginning to set anyway, so an underground location was a nice way to finish our explorations for the day.
I had been to the bunker twice before, so I already knew about the possible access ways and where to park. So after parking the car, we began our short walk into the woods until we arrived at the gate. There is hardly any fence left, so accessing the property was easy. After a few more minutes of walking, we arrived at the location itself. The way into the bunker was just as I remembered, and my wife and I had ourselves a nice little underground exploration before heading home at the end of a successful day.

To find out more about the history of this place and to check out all the photos, click the button below.

August 19, 2018

New Video: The Abandoned Children's Hospital

During our summer vacation, my wife and I got the opportungity for an offivial visit of this abandoned children's hospital that had originally been built in the years 1935/36.
The dark part of its history includes 46 children of the conspirators of July 20th 1944 being imprisoned here on the grounds of kin liability - and the secret staff of Wernher von Braun and Walter Dornberger working here on top secret missile technology.

To check out all my Urban Exploration videos, click here!

August 18, 2018

Tour Report: Police Shooting Range

We didn't really know what to expect from this location. I had discovered a peculiar structure looking over a certain area using Google Earth while having a closer look at the surroundings of a hidden underground bunker of the East German Secret Police (StaSi). I did some more research about the structure in the woods about two kilometers away from the bunker, and I discovered that the area was operated not by the Secret Police (which was subordinated to the Ministry of State Security/MfS), but by the Ministry for the Interior (MdI).
Upon arrival, we found a parking space by the side of the road and went straight into the woods. We passed a dog training field which we couldn't date - although it it quite probable that it had been used as such by the East German police as well.
As we reached the part of the area with the strange structures, it turned out to be an overgrown shooting range, complete with most of the corresponding buildings and a huge sand bullet trap. There was even a straight tube buried in the ground along the entire length that was probably used for pistol training.

Although there was not much to see, this was a really cool discovery since we hadn't expected this at all.

To check out the full gallery from this amazing place, click the button below.

August 16, 2018

New Video: Hotel Teddybear

Hi guys! Now that my wife and I have returned from our urbex summer vacation, I finally have some time to edit photos and videos.
This one ist the first of a couple of short videos I am going to post from some of the spots we visited.
The hotel has been abandoned for about ten years, and I'd visited it once before about a year ago. This second visit gave me the opportunity to make this quick video - and also take some more photos ;)

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