December 19, 2013

Spirit of the Bear - The Abandoned Distillery

We originally had thought that this was part of the pharmaceutical company next door. As it turns out, it kind of was, but kind of wasn't.
It was the founder of this company whose company for chemical and pharmaceutical products was merged with another pharmaceutical company in 1927 and was operating seperately from then on.
It all began in 1818, when the original founder of the company opened a factory for the rectification of spirits and production of liqueurs.
In 1869, he started to utilize the fusel oils that are left over from the distillation process for the production of much-needed chemicals. In 1872, his son founded a factory for chemical alcoholic compounds, later renamed as a company for laboratory preparations.
This factory was moved to a new location in 1890, and after the move was finished, in 1903 construction on a new, larger factory was begun.
It was opend in 1905.

The pictures you are about to see are from this building.
The main building has been vandalized a lot and there is almost nothing left of the interior, so I settled for some HDR wide shots.


  1. Großartige Aufnahmen und eine klasse Bearbeitung, die die Bilder zu etwas Besonderem machen. Regelrecht kunstvoll, die die bedrückende Stimmung erst zum Ausdruck bringt. Mein Favorit ist das vorletzte Bild.
    Eine sehr eindrucksvolle Location.

    Liebe Grüße

    1. Vielen Dank, Sonja!
      Ich bin immer noch am Rumprobieren mit verschiedenen Bearbeitungen. Für die Brennerei habe ich glaube ich was ganz gutes gefunden - freut mich, dass es Dir gefällt!
      Das vorletzte Bild war beim Schießen auch noch mein Favorit, aber nach der Bearbeitung habe ich mich dann für die Treppe im ersten Bild entschieden :)



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