December 2, 2018

Tour Report: Maison T. [Revisit]

The second tour in May of last year - this one only a one-day excursion - I undetook not with my wife, but with my good friends North Urbex, Pixelcracker and Lost Places in Schleswig-Holstein und Umland. We had chosen three abandoned castles in Eastern Germany as our desired spots. I had visited two of them before together with my wife, one in November of 2014, the other in July of 2015, so there was nothing new for her to see, but I wanted to check for changes that do happen over the course of a few years.

The first spot that we visited that day was Maison T., the one that I first visited in 2014. Although I had hoped that the old access was still opne, I had little hope for that to actually be true...and that access was no longer open. So we had to look for another way in.
And we did find one...
I am not going to go into the details, but it involved a rather elevated window, a block of concrete and a very old and jittery was fun to watch, and I do think that there is a video in existence that shows a particularly scandalous view of  the butt crack of one of our crew members :)

Eventually, we all made our way in and were free to explore. I took the opportunity to get some shots that I'd missed during my first visit, so it was a succesful visit in terms of photography. The state of the castle has declined over the years. The decay has increased and so has the vandalism - although the overall look is still better than you might expect.

Altogether, it was great start in the day with a great crew, lots of laughs and a great location.

To find out more about the history of this place and to check out all the photos, click the button below.

1 comment:

  1. Wie immer schöne Bilder! Instrument 2 is ja steinstark! ;o)


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