August 7, 2014

National-Political Educational Institution (Part 2)

The foundations for this school were laid in 1936, and the institution was declared a prototype for many more of its kind to be built all over the Reich.
It never came to that. World War II broke out, and the work force was needed for the arms industry.
In the years until 1945, about 350 students were formed into eager national socialists - for the service to the people and the state. Among them was Heinz Hitler, nephew of Adolf Hitler.

With the end of the 3rd Reich, so ended the era of this kind of school - but the building remained.
After the founding of the German Democratic Republic (East Germany), the Socialist Unity Party of Germany used the building as a party school.

This use was not all that different from the one until the end of the war - these party schools' purpose was to ideologically educate the future leaders of the "workers' and peasants' state".
From 1956 until 1989, more than 16.000 members of the party attended the one-year courses at the "Regional Party School 'W. L.'", which was the second highest party school in East Germany.

After the German reunification the buildings were used by various professional schools until 2005. Since then, the buildings are empty.
Unfortunately, the vandals are slowly starting to find this place, so I'm glad we found the things we did...

Part 1 | Part 2


  1. Sehr stimmungsvolle Bilder, Jan.
    Ich habe beim Betrachten das Gefühl, ich wäre auch dort.
    Irgendwie eine ganz starke Atmosphäre.

    Liebe Grüße

    1. Vielen Dank, Sonja!
      Die Historie des Gebäudes bringt dieses Gefühl mit sich. Es ist schon etwas seltsam, sich an solchen orten aufzuhalten.


  2. Wow, ich finde es ja immer Wahnsinn wenn man sieht was so für Gebäude leer stehen ^^
    schade drum, aber man kann nicht alles retten ;)

    Liebe Grüße
    Björn :)

    1. Ich schätze, das hat mit der Instandhaltung und den Betriebskosten zu tun.
      Es gibt einen Verein, der sich um Erhalt und Rettung des Ortes bemüht. Da kann man wirklich nur die Daumen drücken...



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