September 6, 2013

Abandoned Brewery Revisited (Part 2)

Just a quick post with the rest of the pictures I took in the abandoned brewery during my last (and considering the state the location, possibly also my last) visit there.

As I said, the vandalism has really taken it's toll.
It was winter the last time I was there, and the snow covered up a lot of the debris lying around and the twilight made for an eerie mood.
These photos I like for the light coming through the windows and for the stairs leading ...down.


  1. Hi,

    coole Optik...ich finde diese alten und völlig verlassenen Gebäude total Klasse !

    Grüße und ein schönes WE

  2. "the end"... im letzten Bild, sagt alles.
    Hat Spaß gemacht, Deine Bilderserie zu verfolgen.


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