April 29, 2012

Rum- und Zuckermarkt in Flensburg

Heute war Rum- und Zuckermarkt im Schifffahrtsmuseum in Flensburg.
Also Ehefrau und Nichte eingepackt, ins Auto gesetzt und auf nach Flense!

...und es gab soooo viele leckere Sachen spirituosiger und zuckeriger Natur...es war ein wahres Fest.
Und die Ausbeute war reichhaltig:

Rum, sehr alter Rum (1965), Gin, Kräuterlikör mit Rum und Vanille-Rum (von links).

Natürlich haben wir es uns auch nicht nehmen lassen, den Rest des Museums samt Museumswerft in Augenschein zu nehmen, und auch den alten dänischen Friedhof mit meinem alten Freund, dem Idstedt-Löwen, haben wir noch einmal besucht.

Fotos folgen :)

April 28, 2012

Samstag aufm Norder.

Bin heute auf dem Nordmarksportfeld gewesen. Es war Firmencup-SH, da habe ich mir gedacht, dass ich mal vorbeischaue und unserer Mannschaft moralische Unterstüzung angedeihen lasse.

Kaum angekommen, stellte ich voller Schrecken fest, dass einer unserer wertvollsten Spieler bei einem freunschaftlichen Einsatz für ein anderes Team verletzt vom Platz genommen werden musste. Ich erschien gerade rechtzeitig um ihm Mut zuzusprechen, dass es im Nachgang bestimmt nicht zu einer Amputation kommen würde. Seine kleine Tochter war offenbar nicht ganz so optimistisch. Sie hat sehr geweint.
Jedenfalls war es kalt, windig und zeitweise regnerisch. Zum frühen Nachmittag schaute dann doch noch die Sonne kurz um die Ecke. So sehr sogar, dass ich mich genötigt sah, das eine oder andere Bier zu genießen.
Unsere Mannschaft hat tolle Moral gezeigt und mindestens ein Spiel (von dem ich weiß) gewonnen.
Wie der Firmencup dann geendet hat, weiß ich leider nicht.
Morgen ist Rum- und Zuckermarkt in Flensburg, daher musste ich für den kleinen Trip und für das Sonntagsfrühstück noch ein wenig einfaufen. Also habe ich mich dann vom Acker (und es war wirklich einer) geamcht.
Nicht ohne noch ein kleines sonniges Foto von der B503 zu machen:

April 16, 2012

Old Garbage Incineration Plant Pt. 2

Today I extracted the photos I took with my Fujifilm camera at the old garbage incineration plant.
I have to say that I realize more and more that the only camera that I actually NEED is my iPhone.
When I was out exploring yesterday, it almost felt like a drag to even get out the camera instead of the iPhone.
Okay, there is one significant advantage the camera has over the iPhone: It has a wristband to keep it from falling. Actually, aside from the picture sensor (which has improved significantly in the latest iPhone), the wristband might be the only reason I'm still caryying a camera - if I drop the camera (which is quite improbable because of the writband, get it?), the only thing that's lost is the camera...if I drop my phone...I hate to say it, half my life would be gone...
Anyway, I extracted the photos from the camera and yes, of course I overworked them with my iPhone :)
Here they are, enjoy.

April 15, 2012

Old Garbage Incineration Plant

Today, I decided to go for a little photo tour to the old garbage incineration plant. It is located near the northeast city limits of Kiel.
I had heard about it before, but it never occurred to me that it would be such a wealth of photo opportunities!
The weather seemed alright around noon, only a little chance of rain, so I took the bus and walked from the bus stop about a quarter mile of road, then across a little field and through some trees and undergrowth, always following the big rusty chimney of the old plant.
It is obviously being used by graffiti artists during the summer, some of the artwork is even from this year.
Anyway, it has been a worthwhile excursion and it has made me want more...who knows, maybe I'll stop by the old brewery or the old hospital soon...

April 9, 2012

Playing with Photos. Part 5.

Of course I have been taking photos during the Easter holidays!
The weather wasn't really good, so there weren't a lot of opportunities, but while at my parents' house, the sun came out and i managed to get a couple of nice plant shots:

When I went down to my dad's basement, I stumbled across some tools:

...and for the record: That is not blood!

When I went to work today I thought I'd take the opportunity to take a picture of a tree growing out of a garage wall near where I live. The weather was bleak, so the atmosphere was pretty good.

I am not really brave enough to take pictures of people on the street. I really want to, but I just don't do it and sometimes I hate myself for it. I will do it eventually. One day the tortoise will learn to fly.
Anyway, today I did my first sneak peek photo on the bus:

Found on the Web.

This is a post without a photo.
I was stumbling across the web and I found this somehow wonderfully dark and inspiring text:


You know that ringing sound that you will perceive when you are in a very quiet area?
Some people say this is an auditory-illusion brought about the ear’s inability to detect frequencies below the threshold of the human senses.
This is completely wrong.
That ringing covers up something else altogether.
If you are quick, patient, and maybe a little lucky, you will be able to hear past the ringing. 
What you will hear are voices whispering to each other.
They will silence themselves quickly but with practice, you will become more adept at catching and interpreting what they are saying.
You will hear things of the past, the present, and the future. 
However, you must be careful.
Because there is no such thing as a voice without a body.

And when you start noticing them, they will start noticing you.

April 8, 2012

Black and White Kiel.

This Friday, I went to work and took a little detour through the city to take some photos. The weather was kind of grey so I was is a grey mood, too.

This is a passage that's being renovated. I like how the street as well as the construction rigs reflect in the windows on the left, so it looks more like a bridge.

This is the entrance to the auditorium of the Department of Microbiology of the University of Kiel. The building is rather old, so it looks kind of rotten and falling apart, even more so in black and white. The weathered look combined with the spikes on the gate and the barred windows also add a kind of eerie atmosphere.

This sculpture stands in the garden of the Kiel Museum for Classical Art. I took the photo through the Olloclip Fisheye addition using the Hipstamatic app.

Since I used to serve in the German Navy aboard a submarine, I have a great affection to all things maritime. This sculpture stands near the Cruise Ship Terminal. I think it was set up for the Olympic Games in 1972.

This Lighthouse stands in the parking lot of the Kiel Maritime Museum.To me, lighthouses have a special atmosphere of loneliness and a special connection to the sea. I want to go on vacation in a lighthouse someday :)

April 6, 2012

Playing with Photos. Part 4.

A couple of days ago, I was experimenting with the Macro-Lens of the Olloclip addition for my iPhone. This little spider in by bathroom came in pretty handy at that time. Of course, my wife said something like "Pleeeeeeeeeaaase, get it out of here NOW!", but she laughed when the first thing I got was not a tissue or the vacuum cleaner but my iPhone.
Anyway, the macro photo came out pretty nice, I think, and after a little work with Camera+ and Instagram I had this little beauty.

That same night, I sat at the dinner/TV/computer table and was trying different combinations of Hipstamatic films and lenses and put on the macro lens once again and got this nice close-up of the tip of my cigarette:

I rather like smoking. Of course, I know it is not really healthy for me, but I think besides the taste, it gives a nice and comfortable atmosphere and it goes perfectly with drinking, which I also rather like :)

This photo was also taken with the iPhone and I went over it with Pixlromatic and Shock-My-Pic.

Just a shot of two people sitting in a bar talking. I like the atmosphere. This is a normal iPhone photo, cropped and revamped with Camera+ and Instagram.

And last but not least, my current profile photo in original size. I dont'really remember which apps I used, but I took the photo with the Everyday app.
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