April 26, 2020

New Video: Chemical Bonding - The Pharmacautical Company

The abandoned pharmaceutical company shown in this video is one of my all-time favorite locations.
The photos are from overall four times that we explored this industrial ruin. We first visited the place in December 2013 and immediately came back the next day to see more. The place is pretty big with various buildings from different time periods. Some were built as early as the 1890s, and the "newest ones" date back to the 1970s.
We returned for a revisit in 2016 and almost got caught by workers on the premises. Same thing a year later in February of 2017, when we came back for another visit, this time together with our friend Nordgriller Urban Exploration. Over the years, some of the buildings have been put to new use, and as far as i know, there are plans to demolish the entire complex to make room for an apartment building.

To find out what might be left in the ground that could make this endeavor impossible (or very expensive) and to check out more photos from this amazing place, visit my website.

April 12, 2020

Tour Report: The Villa by the Bridge

Over the years, there were a few times when I was standing in front of this abandoned villa - sometimes alone, sometimes together with a friend - but there never was a way in.
In early March of 2018, however, I heard that a certain group of "urban explorers" had been there, and "suddenly" a back window had been smashed. I have no proof that this group broke the window - but in the past, there has been more than one location that had been closed over many years, but was miraculously "open" (or rather broken in) when these guys appeared...
Although as an urban explorer, I am dependent on locations being open (unless there is a legal way to visit) - but to break in and destroy property to gain access is a disgrace and only leads to an increase of security for the locations.
But there will always be the "bad eggs" that will do everything (even break into an active airport...) to get more clicks on their Youtube channel...

But back to my explore of this particular place.
It was a sunny Sunday in March, and I had just heard about the potential access to the old villa. My wife didn't want to go, so I went alone. Usually, I don't go exploring alone, but there was a high risk that the villa would be sealed up again pretty quickly, because renovation was planned and nobody wants destruction or a fire in a place that he is about to renovate.
As I got to the villa, I walked around the back, trying not to be spotted by the neighbors that were right next door. I sneaked through the garden towards the terrace, and I could already see that a window had been smashed. I quickly climbed in, set up my camera and started my walkthrough.

The place had been abandoned for little more than five years, and the condition was still pretty good. Because it had been secured for most of the time, there haven't been vandals or copper thieves - but it seemed that for at least some time, one or more homeless persons had camped in some of the rooms.
I was completely alone, so I took my time to check out very room.
There wasn't too much to see in terms of decay, but I was happy to finally be able to explore this place. And it was about time, too, because only a few weeks later, demolition began on the adjacent buildings and the renovation of the main building started.

To find out more about the history of this place and to check out all the photos, click the button below.

April 5, 2020

Tour Report: Chalk Factory 48 [DK]

We had explored an abandoned farmhouse and barn during our tour in early February 2018, and we had explored an abandoned mill. While we were sneaking through the old mill, it had started raining, and it hadn't stopped when we were done there.
My friend "Lost Places in Schleswig-Holstein und Umland" and I conferred if we should continue and decided to roughly drive in the direction of home and check out one more location on the way. It was an old factory that we had seen a few times driving by on the way somewhere else and always deemed "not so interesting" - but it was a possibility for a location with relatively short ways and ample parking space.
And it was. The place was near the off-ramp from the freeway on the edge of an industrial park. Since it was Sunday, there was no one around, and we could freely choose a place to park.
The old factory wasn't even fenced in. The place was wide open which made entering easy not only for us, but over the years apparently also for lots of teenagers, people dumping trash and graffiti "artists".
Anyway, we first checked out the main factory building. It wasn't huge, but there were still a few remains of the production machines - and a lot of chalk dust.
Afterwards, we went to check out the outside parts of the facility, and towards the end, we took a look in the storage rooms.
The attribute "not so interesting" is almost fitting. The place itself doesn't have much to offer in terms of photography - but if you look closely, there are some things to be found. And since it was on the way, it wasn't even a detour for us, so it was a worthwhile explore after all!

To check out all the photos from this place and to find more galleries from abandoned places, click the button below.

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