From the abandoned foundry, we drove further East. We had gotten a tip regarding an abandoned hospital which supposedly still had some nice interior in it.
The photos I had seen looked promising, so why not check it out.
It was a Saturday, so the roads were pretty crowded, and it took us about 90 minutes to get there. Finding the spot was easy - it's right in the middle of a small town.
We found a parking spot right next to the hospital - I think it was the former hospital parking lot, so that was pretty convenient.
The fact that it was Saturday didn't make things easy, though. There were people walking by literally all the time.
So we first took a little walk around the premises checking if we saw a way in. There was nothing to see, so we had to get closer. Displaying our refreshuingly casual attitude, we just walked up to the hospital and started checking for open doors and windows. We tried to stay out of sight, and I think we managed pretty well. We didn't find a way in, though...
But then I remembered another tip from the guy who had given me the tip for this spot in the first place. He had said something about curtains and a window...and there it was - an open window!
Remaining unseen, the four of us jumped in.
We hadn't been promised too much - it was a nice place!! A lot looked like the usual hospital: patient's rooms, bathrooms, recreation rooms etc., but the ground flor really had some nice scenes to shoot. It was really dark because most of the windows were boarded shut, but we had brought enough lights with us.
After about two hours, we climbed back out, closed the access window the best we could and went back to the car. It was afternoon already, and we still had the way back ahead of us - and we wanted todrop by another location...
To find out more about the 130-year history of this hospital and to check out all the photos from this place, click the button below.
Abgefahren, was da noch immer so an Requisiten vor sich hingammelt. Diese insektenaugenförmigen Leuchtdinger zum Beispiel... ;o)