July 21, 2014

Color and Glue Factory

This was a pretty nice find.
We were checking out a nice little city with a beautiful medieval town center and before our visit, I had checked for locations and found two possible objects almost downtown.

So we had some cake and coffee on the terrace of a small café in downtown and after we had finished, we found a parking space near the location and went for a preliminary check of the perimeter. The abandoned factory lies right in the middle of a residential area and the way in was really visible from the street.
We went back to the car anyway and changed into our exploration gear (long pants, safety shoes), got the equipment and went back.

We waited for an opportunity and then we were in.

In 1874, a pharmacist in Germany decided to produce textile colors for home use. These colors were immensely successful, so the pharmacist left his pharmacy and started to dedicate his life to producing colors.
He moved to another city acquired a partner and built this factory for aniline colors.
Until after World War II, the color business was the main business. The company supplied customers in Germany and all over the world. In 1908, the line of goos included colors for textiles, leather, candles, floor wax, and soaps as well as colors for foods like butter, cheese, juices and liquors, but also for woodstain, moss, weeds and flowers.

The factory itself consits of a couple of old red brick buildings.
Your typical late 19th century factory, if you will.
It is great to see how nature is conquering back the area piece by piece.

The first remarkable thing we found next to the buildings themselves were the huge wooden containers for glue - relicts from the second use of the factory after the war.

We went through various larger rooms and found more relics of the "real socialism" of East Germany.

The last sign says "Air Raid Shelter". A lot of the factories in East Germany were equipped with shelters, some of those still there from World War II, but kept in shape in case of a NATO attack on the Eastern bloc.
Of course, we had to go down to that shelter.

We made our way back up and foud more interesting stuff...especially in the next basement...
Check out part 2!

Part 1 | Part 2


  1. Wow... was für eine tolle Location.
    Vor allen Dingen Deine Funde dort. Ein Stück deutscher Geschichte. Als sei die Vergangenheit für einen Augenblick wieder lebendig.
    Ich hatte ein wenig Gänsehaut. Ganz klasse fotografiert und in Szene gesetzt, Jan.

    Liebe Grüße

    1. Danke Dir, Sonja!
      Genau das ist auch einer meiner Gründe für dieses Hobby - Geschichte(n) eben nicht nur in Büchern oder hinter Glasscheiben zu betrachten!


  2. Um den XI. Parteitag der SED herum kam damals (verschwommene Erinnerung) die Zigarettenmarke "Kenton" auf den Markt, welche der Volksmund fortan "Parteitagszigarette" nannte...Fiel mir gerade wieder ein. ;o)

    Ansonsten sind das, wie immer, sehr schöne Bilder von einem schönen Ort!

    1. Solche Zigaretten haben wir leider nicht gefunden, aber der Begriff "Parteitagszigarette" ist mir geläufig :)
      Danke Dir für das Feedback!

      Viele Grüße


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