March 21, 2025

Tour Report: Gunpowder Factory "Sands of War"

Just two days after our discovery of the World War II execution site, we were already on our next excursion. Once again, the CoViD rules meant that only one tour was possible within the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein. The weather was cloudy, but at least no rain was forecast, so we made our way to the “Besenhorster Sandbergen”, a nature reserve about 120 kilometers away, which is characterized by its dry, calcareous sandy grassland, its dunes and silver grass meadows as well as its old oak forests. 
Of course, we didn't just want to go there because of the beautiful nature, but there are also a few things to see there that will make your Urbex heart beat a little faster. There are numerous ruins of the former Düneberg powder factory on the grounds of the nature reserve.
Parts of the powder factory were built there as early as 1876. From 1935 to the beginning of April 1945, raw powder from the Krümmel dynamite factory was processed here into various types of powder and ballistically tested.
After the Second World War, production and storage buildings were blown up. The ruins are overgrown by the pine forest of the Besenhorster Sandberge and Elbsandwiesen, but are still partly visible and accessible.
As this is a local recreation area open to the public, we didn't have to search long for an unsuspicious parking space and were able to set off straight away. We took our time and walked around the large area almost in its entirety. Spring had bathed the area in a wonderful green, and the ruins blended into the landscape like remnants of a bygone era.
Contrary to our assumption, there were a few drops of rain while we were out and about - but we didn't let that bother us and took a short break in the former workshop building of the powder factory.
After a good three hours, we had finished our tour, walked along the Elbe for a short while and then made our way home.
Even though it's not an “exciting” location with spectacular motifs, I really enjoyed this excursion because I find the combination of ruins and nature really appealing and beautiful.

To find out about the history of the place and to check out all the photos, click the button below.

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