October 13, 2019

Tour Report: East German Border Troops B.

After we had finished exploring the abandoned school hostel, we still had some time to check out at least one other location. On our list we had two possible sites; both of them were former barracks of the East German "Grenztruppen" border troops.
As we arrived at the first location, it became apparent that this particular garrison was still in use - not by the border troops, of course, but by what looked like a scrap trade or something of the sort. So we drove on to the next spot which wasn't too far either.
The weather was still rather bleak, the sky was draped in gray clouds, and a light rain came down from the sky as we arrived at the garrison.
At first look, we were a little surprised not to find the typical standardized prefabricated building made out of concrete slabs, but mostly red brick buildings. Later, I found out that although the concrete buildings were the standard, red brick buildings were in fact common for the border troops as well.
There was a fence around the premises, but this fence didn't really deserve this label - it was full of holes, and some parts were missing entirely. We had parked a little bit down the street to not arise too many suspicions - after all, there were houses right across the street - and walked across a field to enter the place.
As with many abandoned military facilities, this one too has been used for dumping trash by the locals and as a party location for the village teenagers, so the state really was lamentable...
We still took our time and explored every corner - and we did find some nice photo opportunities. In the end, this place was nothing special, but it was one more relic from the not-too-far-away-past in which we didn't live too far away from the border that divided the world into East and West.

To check out all the photos from this place and to find out about its history, click the button below.

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