May 26, 2018

Tour Report: The Collector's Farm [DK]

It's amazing how much Denmark has to offer. Thousands of kilometers of coastline, beautiful villages, friendly people, hot dogs - and abandoned stuff. Lots. We discovered this abandoned farm with greenhouses based on aerial pictures from Google Earth. It was the second spot of a short tour through Denmark together with my wife and my friend Freddy from Nordgriller Urbex in February of last year.
Driving past the first time, we noticed that there were Neighborhood Watch sings on all the streets of the small village. We wanted to try anyway. We parked the car openly by the side of the road a bit next to the greenhouses, grabbed our gear and walked along the (public) road until we reached the place in question. We could see that the neighbors lived close by, but we walked onto the premises anyway.
First we found a couple of neat old farm machines standing behind one of the greenhouses. Inside this greenhouse, we discovered dozens of bicycles and a bunch of other stuff. Lots of stuff. Same in the other greenhouses.
Just as we wanted to start photographing a greenhouse full of old boats, the neighbor drove by.
He looked a bit angry and in a mixture of Danish, German and English, we were told that our presence was not appreciated. Upon my wifes attempts to communicate in Danish, he got a bit friendlier but remained firm in his belief that we weren't supposed to be there.
So much for the Collector's Farm, we got caught and thrown out. But we still had one more spot to find...

To check out all the photos from this place, click the button below.

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