May 1, 2016

The Officers' House

After walking through a large part of the forbidden city for about five hours, we only had three hours left for exploring the "Officers' House".
This part of the forbidden city used to be the Imperial German Sport School. When the Soviets took over in 1945, the significance of the building complex changed completely. The area became the most important cultural and enterntainment center for the Soviet troops stationed in East Germany.
Since this was a legal visit, we were not alone. A lot of other people - especially "photographers" and their "models" were running around as if they owned the place and acted really ruthless and inconsiderate, running right into other peoples view and ruining their shots.
This is one part of legal tours that I really hate...
But anyway, the spectacular architecture of the huildings compensated for the stupidity of some people and we managed to get some nice shots as well.

To find out more about the history of this amazing place and to check out all the photos from this spot, click the button below.

1 comment:

  1. Klasse Fotos - trotz idiotischer Voraussetzungen ;)


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