February 26, 2015

Distillery H. [Revisit] (Part 2)

During the second visit to the abandoned distillery, I got the chance to catch some details that I had missed the first time. Mainly small things lying around in the office building.
It was nice to find everything the way it was during our first visit.

For the full gallery, please visit my website.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

February 21, 2015

Distillery H. [Revisit]

Two weeks after our tour through the northern part of Eastern Germany, I got the chance for a revisit of the abandoned disitllery that I had visited with my wife for the first time about two months before.
An urbex-colleague of mine had expressed a huge interest in that location, so we got in the car and drove for about an hour until we got there.
It was sunday and the traffic in the street was moderate, but we still had to watch for passersby that might catch us jumping the fence.
We got in easi and didn't get caught, and the location was still in exactly the same shape it was in two months earlier. Nothing had been moved, everything was still in its place.
The ceiling in one of the rooms had collapsed a little more, but that was probably because of the storm and heavy rain a couple of weeks befor our visit.

Here is the loot from my second visit.
For all photos from this location, please visit my website.

February 11, 2015

Fiberboard Factory R.

This fiberboard plant should be the largest employer in the region.
Since no extensive forests were nearby, they wanted to produce Fibreboard of rape straw.
The construction of the plant took two years. In December 1955, the plant was started up. The first production year was marked by many technical and technological problems, but in 1957, already 420 people were employed.
The fiberboard plants' influence on the city grew, houses were built, a company medical care and company nurseries were established, and the public bus plan was scheduled to fit the needs of the workers.
Sales of the fiberboards were good and so in mid-1957, the four-shift system "Rolling week" was introduced.
The quality of the boards was continually improved, but with rape straw as raw material no further increase in production could be achieved. So all the technology in 1965 switched to wood.
The capacity of the plant increased significantly.
Environmental protection remained problematic over the whole time of existence of the fibreboard plant.

For (a lot) more information, please visit my website! 

February 3, 2015

School for Navigation

This building has a long tradition as the first German school for sailors.
In the 19th century, it was recognized that the education for future sailors had to be professionalized. Until then, this "education" took place mostly in the winter months (in which only limited ship traffic was possible) and was given by experienced captains. In addition, the clerk frequently gave arithmetic and writing lessons. It was no different in this city.
The desire to improve the teaching encouraged the citizens to turn to the Grand Duke, who then ordered the construction of an appropriate institution. The School for Navigation opened mid-19th century.
The development of steam navigation, the shift of handling to the North Sea as well as changing conditions (traveling the world's oceans, trend towards larger vessels) led to a drop in student numbers at the end of the 19th century. Under a new director, who controlled the fate of the institution since about 1910, the building was expanded.
In the years 1914-1916 a card room, a radio room and an examination rooms were furnished; until 1917, a tower was built which hosted the training in astronomical navigation.
Until 1944, exams took place, mostly for helmsmen. After that it was no longer possible because of the war. In 1945, the school was closed.
In the years after the war, the school was used by a unit of the Soviet Navy. In 1948, citizens of the community persuaded the authorities that exams, at least for the small patents of fishermen, can be held.
In May of 1949, the school reopened under the motto "Every sailor is a guarantor of peace" under new management. A new curriculum for the training of "Big ship officers and captains" was developed. A year later, the first officers for maritime radio were trained.
Some were given special training that prepared them for espionage activities or the work underground.
Nautical training in this place ended in the early 1990s.

For the full gallery, please visit my website.

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